[CTF Write-up] Secadmin El Ninja contrareloj (rev. easy)
Last week, Secadmin conference was held with some easy CTF challenges about crypto, web and reversing. This write-ups is for “El Ninja Contrareloj” challenge, a reversing one.
Brief introduction on reverse engineering Crystal binaries.
Crystal is a “new” Ruby-syntax-based programming language, born in 2014. The main diference is, that this is not a Ruby implementation, this is another compiled programming language, but its syntax is based in ruby, so Crystal != Ruby.
[CTF Write-up] nn8ed HackGym challenge write-up.
This weekend, Navaja Negra 8 CTF started, organized by ka0labs.org. This pwn challenge has the following statement:
[CTF Write-up] nn8ed Tindermon challenge write-up.
This weekend, Navaja Negra 8 CTF started, organized by ka0labs.org. This web challenge has the following statement: